In the Epic Quest for the Perfect Office Space in Manila: Unveiling 30 Crucial Considerations

EG Office Space Express
5 min readNov 7, 2023


In the Epic Quest for the Perfect Office Space in Manila: Unveiling 30 Crucial Considerations

Embarking on the journey to secure an office space in the vibrant heart of Manila is no ordinary task. It is a saga filled with trials and tribulations, where every decision must be weighed with utmost gravity to ensure your sanctum aligns perfectly with the tapestry of your business needs and financial aspirations. Behold, as we unveil the compendium of wisdom — a comprehensive codex of 30 factors that you must contemplate before venturing into the realm of Manila’s office spaces.

The Spectacle of Location:

1. Proximity to Clients and Partners: Ponder upon the allure of proximity, for in it lies the power to forge unbreakable bonds with your esteemed clients and allies. In the embrace of their closeness, accessibility becomes the cornerstone of prosperous relationships.

2. Accessibility: Behold the treacherous paths of public transportation and roads, and weigh them meticulously, especially during the tumultuous rush hours when time itself hangs in the balance.

3. Safety and Security: Gaze into the shrouded veils of the neighborhood, both under the golden sun’s gaze and the moon’s silent vigil. Seek refuge within the citadels of secure buildings and the guardianship of vigilant locales.

The Epic of Budget and Costs:

4. Budget: Cast your eyes upon the vast horizon of your budget, wherein rent, utilities, and concealed fees reside as formidable guardians. Only with prudent choices can you preserve the treasure of your enterprise.

5. Lease Terms: Decrypt the cryptic engravings of lease terms, where rent escalations, security deposits, and penalties for premature departures lie in ambush, ready to test your resolve.

6. Hidden Costs: Unearth the clandestine foes, the lurking specters of maintenance fees, utility levies, and common area expenses. Their existence may remain concealed until the moment you are ensnared in their web.

The Revelation of Space Requirements:

7. Space Size: Measure the expanse you require for your noble cadre and the orchestration of your grand operations. Balance the present needs with the seeds of future growth, for your fortress must accommodate both.

8. Layout and Configuration: Deliberate on the design of your stronghold, envisioning a tapestry that weaves a harmonious symphony of business activities and workflows.

9. Furniture and Equipment: Reflect upon the chambers within, and ponder whether the office space itself furnishes your vision or if you must craft it with your own hands.

The Symphony of Amenities and Services:

10. Internet and Connectivity: Seek the weaver of the web, for in reliable, high-speed internet connections lies the lifeblood of modern enterprises.

11. Meeting and Conference Facilities: The grand chambers for diplomatic parleys and collaborative councils must not be overlooked. They are the crucibles of success.

12. Reception Services: In the realm of some, the guardians of reception, the stewards of mail, and the callers of the phone dwell. Their presence bestows the robes of professionalism upon your enterprise.

The Overture of Flexibility and Growth:

13. Lease Duration: Ponder the threads of time, and decide whether your pact shall be fleeting or enduring. Stability or flexibility — the choice shapes your destiny.

14. Scalability: Contemplate the art of metamorphosis, for your business may grow or shrink, and your fortress must accommodate the ever-shifting tides of fortune.

15. Modification: Seek the architects and craftsmen who can carve the space to match your grand vision, for your needs may evolve and the canvas should be ever adaptable.

The Tale of Environmental and Sustainability Factors:

16. Energy Efficiency: In the crucible of energy efficiency, the fires of operational cost and sustainability goals are forged. Consider the impact of your choices on the world.

The Codex of Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

17. Zoning and Permits: Scrutinize the scrolls of law and permit, for compliance with the local ordinances and the parchment of permits are the keys to a lawful realm.

18. Contracts and Agreements: Seek the sages of legality and beseech their counsel, for the words inscribed in the sacred contracts can shape the future of your realm.

The Chronicles of Community and Networking:

19. Networking Opportunities: In the bazaars of some, you may find the fabled gatherings and the tapestries of connections that can breathe life into your venture.

20. Community Culture: In the castle of work, the atmosphere is the unseen wind that propels your sails. Align it with your values, for it shapes the very soul of your enterprise.

The Enigma of Technology and Infrastructure:

21. Backup Power: Consider the guardians of electricity, for the tempests of darkness may strike. In the presence of backup power, you find the torchbearer of continuity.

22. IT Support: Seek the custodians of technology and inquire whether they shall be your allies or if you must bear the mantle of technology yourself.

The Riddle of Parking and Transportation:

23. Parking: Assess the treasuries of parking, both for your loyal retainers and the esteemed visitors who seek an audience.

24. Public Transportation: Survey the constellations of public transit, for the ease of access can be the lifeline of your laborers.

The Revelation of Natural Lighting and Views:

25. Natural Light: The radiant gift of sunlight shall grace your halls and nurture the spirit of your comrades, enhancing their vigor and determination.

26. Views: The vistas that stretch beyond your citadel are not mere windows but windows to the soul. Choose wisely, for the surroundings shall fuel your ambitions.

The Chronicles of Community and Amenities:

27. Cafes and Restaurants: The nearby oases of culinary delights can feed the hunger of both your loyal subjects and the esteemed guests.

28. Fitness Centers: Some sanctuaries offer the battlegrounds of physical prowess, where the well-being of your comrades is forged in the crucible of exertion.

29. Convenience Stores: In the marketplaces nearby, the merchants of everyday essentials can be your trusted allies in times of need.

The Counsel of Legal Beings:

30. Consult with Legal Professionals: In the chambers of legality, consult with the sages of jurisprudence, for their wisdom is the guardian of your interests in the realm of contracts and agreements.

As you traverse this labyrinth of choices, visit each contender, engage in dialogues with the stewards and guardians of these realms, and let the echoes of these 30 considerations resound through the corridors of your mind. It is by this quest, this epic odyssey, that you shall discover the fabled office space in Manila that shall become the sanctuary of your thriving enterprise.

